Weather - Chambersburg, PA
Current Weather at
Chambersburg, PA

(Scot-Greene Estates)

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Latitude 39 57 09.5400 N
Longitude 77 35 39.5052 W
Elevation 725 Ft. AMSL
Anemometer   35.5 Ft. AGL
Sensors     7.0 Ft. AGL
Data Update    10 Min Interval
Database Init. 10/19/2010
Instrumentation    Davis Vantage Pro_2
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Current Conditions
07/04/24 @ 6:25a (local)
Today's Highs
Today's Lows
Monthly Highs/Lows Yearly Highs/Lows
Temperature 70.7° F 73.8° F
70.4° F
@ 5:46a
86.2° F
55.3° F
98.1° F
10.0° F
Wind Chill 70.7° F - 70.0° F
@ 5:46a
55.0° F
0.0° F
Heat Index 72.7° F 76.0° F
@ 12:00a
- 91.0° F
111.0° F
Wind S - 189°
@ 0.0 mph
10.0 mph
@ 1:00a
-- 24.0 mph
45.0 mph
Includes snow melt
0.00 in
(today's total)
0.00 in/hr
0.00 in/hr
(current rate)
0.00 in
20.18 in
Barometer 29.935 in
29.987 in
29.925 in
@ 4:50a
30.258 in
29.925 in
30.613 in
29.025 in
Humidity 89% 89 %
@ 6:17a
79 %
@ 12:00a
92 %
45 %
97 %
23 %
Dew Point 67.3° F 67.0° F
@ 12:00a
66.0° F
@ 4:39a
70.0° F
52.0° F
80.0° F
2.0° F
Weather Graphics

Barometer History    Outside Humidity

Current Outside Dewpoint   Current Outside Temperature   Outside Temperature History   Current Wind Chill   Current Outside Heat Index

Current Wind Speed     Average Wind Speed History      High Wind Speed History

Current Wind Direction     Wind Direction History      Direction of High Wind Speed History

Today's Rain   Storm Rain Total   Rain Rate History   Monthly Total Rain   Yearly Total Rain